Why You Should Have an Energy Audit Before Having Your Home Remodeled
You’re finally getting your home remodeled! Maybe you are getting a home you just bought remodeled or are getting ready to sell your property and want to boost its value. Either way, we at Energy Services Group believe that it is important to get a home energy audit conducted before you start the remodeling process. Our goal is to provide solutions that boost energy efficiency throughout Maryland homes.
A home energy audit is perfect for making sure that a home is comfortable to live in and reducing energy bills. Our technicians will take a thorough look at your home’s thermal performance prior to getting it remodeled so you can have the problem remedied with the proper insulation and energy solutions.
Trust the Process
During our audit process, we actually show you where your energy is escaping your home, so you understand the importance of sealing up these areas. We aim to show you where your home can be improved and suggest the best ways for improvements.
Here is what our process includes:
- Safety test of combustion appliance to ensure efficient operation
- Evaluation of lighting and appliances
- Examination of your windows’ construction and doors’ weather stripping
- Review of past utility bills
- Measurement of insulation R-values throughout the home
- Assessment of the home’s leakage rate
- Creation of information and documents about any rebates for energy improvements that are made
Enhancing Comfort
An energy audit is a launchpad for improvements that need to be made. Whether you are remodeling your home or not, this is a useful service that will enhance your comfort. An audit produces many benefits if its findings are acted upon. A properly sealed and insulated house will reduce drafts, keep exterior surfaces warm and reduce mold that comes from condensation. Plus, mechanical systems and ductwork that are properly sized will deliver conditioned air.
Experts in Energy Efficiency
Known as the Original House Doctor, Energy Services Group is known for being experts in diagnosing a home’s energy deficiencies and developing cost-effective improvement strategies. We use our 35 years of experience to your advantage. Our staff is fully certified by the Residential Energy Services Network and Building Performance Institute to ensure quality for your home.
When searching for a home energy audit or insulation contractor in Baltimore, you don’t have to look any further. We will help make sure that your home is ready to be remodeled. We encourage you to schedule an energy audit today by calling us today.